Me In Japan

I`ve got too many pictures, so I`ve made a spin-off web page for the newest stuff here. By the way, that's my Japanese name in Kanji on the left. In kana it's グレッグ and in roman letters it's "Gureggu".

For Newest Galleries, Click Here!

Pottery やきもの (6 pics)
Making Gyouza (4 pics)
Playing in Epi-ciel (25 pics)
Suus in an Arcade (13 pics)
New Years Day お正月 (7 pics)
New Years Party 熊澤の忘年会 (21 pics)
Boxing Day 12月26日 (14 pics)
The Yoshida`s Christmas Party (4 pics)
Anita`s Christmas Party (25 pics)
School Trip to Hokkaido 修学旅行 (18 pics)
Christmas Orientation *NEW* (9 pics)
Kyushu Trip 九州旅行 (8 galleries)
The Kumazawas 熊澤 (9 pics)
Bura Bura Festival ぶらぶら祭り (3 pics)
Balloon Fiesta バルーンフェスタ (12 pics)
Ooita Trip 大分県に行った (1 pic)
Taishi's Picture 大士の絵 (1 pic)
Bio Park バイオパーク (16 pics)
Okunchi くんち (14 pics)
Okunchi (Misc) くんち (14 pics)
Nagasaki 長崎市 (7 pics)
Peace Park 平和公園 (8 pics)
Chinese Shrine (9 pics)
Jose's Okunchi Pics (12 pics)
My Cellphone 私の携帯 (10 pics)
Misc Photos (6 pics)
Karaoke in Sasebo カラオケ (14 pics)
Orientation in Saga (15 pics)
Purikura プリクラ (1 big pic)
The Suzanne Collection (30 pics)
First Orientation (15 pics)

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