Pics from the district convention at the beginning of the trip. We just carried our country's flags in and went wandering the streets of Imari for a while afterward. |
Almost like Cinderalla, except this time she's listening to some music in the sun rather than doing any sort of work. |
A view of Beppu, where we spent the first night. |
Jose, Janelle, and I at the lookout point. |
Beppu is famous for these natural hot springs. This one on the left is called "Sea Hell" and is one of seven hells in the area. Above, the girls all sit by one of the vents spewing really rancid sulphur-smelling gases. |
Scenery from around the Sea Hell. |
At left Janelle throws some money into the shrine and does the ceremonial ringing of a bell and clapping twice thing. |
The holy water (or something like it) used to wash your hands before going to the shrine above. |
Crocidiles being bred at Devil's Hell, the second hell we visited. |
Jose, Janelle, the Devil and I pose for a picture. |
This is what a traditional Japanese meal looks like. This is pretty much what we ate the whole trip. The portions are small but they make it up by having so many. One day I counted at least fourteen plates or bowls. |
Mathilde, Jose, Janelle, and I before the meal.
Below left, Anita and Suus have stolen my and Lars's clothes because they were locked out of their own hotel room. Below right, the waitress type lady fixes Timo's yukata because he was accidentally wearing it like a girl (who knew?). Not such a funny thing in itself, except that he doesn't have anything under it! |