A view of either Beppu or Ooita, whichever one Takasaki-yama is in. |
Janelle poses with a monkey on Monkey Mountain (Takasaki-yama monkey park or something). Below are more pics of monkeys, with a monkey kindergarten on the far right. |
One of many pics I have of people sleeping on other people on the bus. |
We bought a chocolate cake! |
The eruption-shelters on the top of Mt. Aso, which I suppose are supposed to protect us in case a giant lava flow comes our way. The volcano is still active and last erupted eight years ago. When we were at the top the volcano the alarms went off and we had to evacuate the immediate area because all the sulphurous gases being let off where getting dangerous. Fun! |
Why does a prostate get its own ball room? These crazy Japanese traditions never cease to surprise me :) |
Anita found our chocolate cake and enjoyed it quite a bit! |
Janelle talking on the phone with Koujirou, my friend from school. Hee hee hee... |