So here was this incredibly expensive table set thing in a museum, so my host mom figures we should have a seat and take some pictures. And that's just what we did. |
This is my school uniform. It doesn't really look very Japanese-high-school-uniform-ish, but it's only my summer one. The winter one is crazy with it's high collar thing and so on.
これは私のせいふくです。 |
Yeah, so they made me shave for school. Blah. That's really all I have to say about that. |
When we had a school sports festival, everybody put their class's number on their athletic uniforms so they could tell what classes won. This is me sewing my own on, and my host mom just thinks it's hilarous! Actually, so did it. |
This is evil Darth Vader trying to cut my arm off. Well, seriously it's one of my host brother's friend's dad doing some magic. You'll be happy to know that the trick worked and I'm still all in one piece.
まじっくです。 |
This is my host mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother. My host mom looks super young, and so does my host grandmother, but I think the great-grandmother must be 120 years old. They're all fun though.
私のおかあさんとちゃちゃんとおばあさんです。 |