The Yoshida's Christmas Party

On the December 23rd, my host family threw a little Christmas party for me.
They surprised me with some presents, and I had Christmas-in-a-box that my
mom sent me, so there was plenty of candy, junk food, and presents to
go around.

Above is me, with my two host parents on the left and my little brother (Takashi) and sister (Tomomi) on the right.

The pic to the left is me with my host grandparents. They're both absolutely nutty, I'm sure.

My host mom, sister, me, and my brother again. You can see all the Christmas stuff we had on the table in front of us, and the tiny artificial little Christmas tree in the background. The big cake with strawberries all over it was the best :)

Tomomi and I trying to teach ourselves how to play the new guitar. Those are pajamas my host parents gave me.

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